Summer Camp FAQ

Registration is now open for 2025 for returning families only.
Registration will open January 19th for new families.

What time is drop off and pick up? For STEAM Day Camp, drop off is at 9:00 AM and afternoon pick-up occurs at 3:00 PM. For Nursery Nature Camp, drop off is at 9:30 AM and pick up is at 12:00 PM. An authorized adult must sign your child out with the staff member on duty. We do have aftercare available for STEAM Camp in 2025 and before care available for Nature Nursery Camp. You can sign up for these additional services at the time of registration.

Where do I go on my first day?
Please pull into the farm and head to the left of the farmhouse, but go RIGHT around the circle to the parking area.  You will see the registration table directly across from the parking area. Beware of cars moving around the farm, and please be sure to walk your children to the registration table.  As you are driving out of the farm, please yield to any incoming cars to avoid people backing up onto the busy street. There is a space to pull off on the right hand side.

Immunization requirement
Children are required to be immunized according the New York State immunization schedule.  Religious exemptions are no longer permitted at camp.  By order of the Ulster County Department of Health, each school-aged child MUST have 2 MMR immunizations, or proof of measles immunity, in order to attend. Children who are not yet school-aged must have at least one MMR and should get the second shot upon recommendation of your pediatrician. 

What should my child wear to camp?
Your child should dress appropriately for the weather, including rain. Campers will be outside in all weather conditions and should wear clothing appropriate for working with the soil and being near farm animals. They will get dirty! Closed-toed, sturdy-soled shoes are preferred. Campers may not wear flip-flops. Shorts are acceptable, but please be aware that campers will be spending time in the woods.

What should my child bring to camp?
SUPPLIES FOR STEAM CAMP AGES 5-12  Please send your child to camp with lunch, healthy snacks, and a refillable water bottle. Campers also need a towel, bathing suit (one that is easy to change in and out of,) and water shoes to run under the sprinkler.  Children will also need a small picnic blanket or towel for lunch time on the grass.  A day bag containing a change of clothing, sunscreen and sun hat, rain jacket and bug repellent are recommended.  Water shoes can be worn on rainy days for rain play, or galoshes work as well.  For rainy days, a change of clothes is imperative (see pictures below!)  Please label all clothing and personal items with your child’s name. Please leave cell phones, hand-held electronic games, and music players at home, as well as other toys and valuables.

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SUPPLIES FOR NATURE NURSERY:  Children should come prepared for the weather with a sun hat, sunscreen, and bug spray (if you wish) applied.  They should bring with them a change of clothes in a plastic bag, water play clothes (including shoes,) and a towel.  In addition, they should bring a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle. We will not be eating lunch at Nature Nursery Camp.

What are your guidelines for air quality alerts?
We follow the board of health recommendations for elevated air particulate levels.  They are as follows and we will consider canceling camp if the air quality is in the “Red” level. If air quality is in the “Purple” level or higher, camp will definitely be canceled, as we do not have sufficient access to indoor spaces. If your child has asthma, you may want to consider keeping them at home, and as always, please make choices that are best for you and your family’s safety.

  • Orange: 101-150: outdoor activities are ok for children but they should be shorter, less intense, take more breaks, watch for symptoms and follow all camper asthma action plans 
  • Red: 151-200: similar to above but further curtail intensity and length of outdoor activities and consider rescheduling or moving activities indoors – for day camps this may mean seeking indoor activities or canceling camp during a red or higher alert level.  
  • Purple and higher (>200):  avoid all physical activity outdoors, seek indoor options and follow indoor guidance regarding air conditioning, air purifiers, etc. as available.  Consider cancelling camp.   

What is the minimum age of campers?
Campers attending STEAM Farm Day Camp must be age 5 by the time camp starts.  Children ages 3-4 may attend the Nursery Nature Camp morning program.

How do I know if my child is ready for Phillies Bridge Farm Camp?

Your child should be fully independent in toilet use to attend Nature Nursery Camp.  Campers attending STEAM Farm Day Camp should not be reliant on an afternoon nap, as we do not have nap time at camp.  Please feel free to reach out to our Education Director at for assistance in determining your child’s readiness for our programs!

What is the daily schedule?
9:00 – 9:20 Morning Activity
9:20 – 9:45 Morning Meeting + Movement
9:45 – 10:45 Farm Activities (planting / harvesting / taking care of the animals)
10:45- 11:30 Break Time (hand washing / snack / bathroom / games)
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch on the lawn
12:30 – 1:30 Free Time + Water Play
1:30 – 2:30 Themed S.T.E.A.M. Activity
2:30 -3:00 Closing + Goodbye

9:30 – 9:45 Welcome & Arrival Games
9:45 – 10:00 Lesson / Book
10:00 – 10:35 Mini Game / Crafting
10:35 – 10:55 Snack / Play with Friends
10:55 – 11:15 Animals
11:15 – 11:30 Music
11:30 – 11:50 Table Top Toys
11:50 – 12:00 Story Time / Goodbye

What happens if it rains during camp? What happens if it is exceptionally hot?

In the case of light rain campers will continue their planned outdoor activities. In the event of heavy rain or thunderstorms all campers will move under shelter until the storm ends. In the case of exceptionally hot weather campers will participate in low-energy activities, seek shade during outdoor activities and be provided with plenty of water. All staff members are trained to ensure that campers stay hydrated. In the event of extreme weather warnings, camp may be canceled to ensure everyone’s safety.  It is very important to keep your contact information up to date.

Do you apply or reapply sunscreen and bug spray? We suggest you apply sunscreen in the morning before arriving at camp.  We will remind children to reapply in the middle of the day, and we will assist children who are struggling, but our staff generally does not apply sunscreen to children.  We will remind children to use bug spray before taking a nature walk.

My child has a nut or other food allergy. Is Phillies Bridge Farm a nut-free facility?
Phillies Bridge Farm is not a nut-free facility. However, we do not use nuts in any of our food activities. We are happy to make any necessary accommodations to keep campers healthy and safe. Please indicate your child’s allergy on your registration form and the Education Director will contact you for further clarification.

How are my children kept safe from ticks and poison ivy?
There are inherent risks to being outdoors. We take safety extremely seriously on the farm and try our hardest to minimize any risk of injury/illness. Unfortunately, ticks are a reality of our natural landscape. They tend to be the most active in the spring/fall and significantly less prevalent in the summer. Luckily, the ticks are not very prevalent on farm itself thanks to our deer fence and mowed lawns. We do periodic ticks checks on each other when in the woods. However, when spending time at our farm (or any other outdoor setting) it is recommended that you check your child for ticks in the evening as a precaution.

As for poison ivy, we try our hardest to keep it out of any locations where the children will be. We always talk to the children about poison ivy and teach them how to identify it. We recommend high socks to protect the ankles and we ask the children to wash their arms and legs after walks in the woods. 

My child takes prescription medication daily. Can staff administer my child’s medication?
By law, Phillies Bridge Farm staff members are not permitted to administer medication to your child (with the exception of an Epi-Pen). Your child must self-administer any medication that you bring. If you are sending your child to camp with medication, you must provide a signed doctor’s note outlining dosage and schedule. Medication must be sealed and clearly labeled with your child’s name. All medication must be in its original packaging, and have a current manufacturer’s expiration date. The Education Director and Staff Team Lead are trained in CPR, First Aid, and Epi-Pen use. While there is no registered nurse on site, we have a registered nurse on call during camp hours. If you have any questions about our medical policy, please contact our Education Director.

Can my child attend more than one camp session?
Absolutely! We encourage campers to attend multiple camp sessions. Each camp week will include different activities. We encourage campers to attend multiple weeks of camps to get an especially diverse camp experience.

Are scholarships available?
Yes. Phillies Bridge Farm Project strives to make our education programs financially accessible to all families. Due to the support of donors and fundraising efforts, we are able to offer a limited number of partial scholarships. For more information about camp scholarships, please fill out this form.